Wednesday, May 31, 2006

The Send-A-Brick Campaign

Tired of Congress' failure to secure our southern border & build a wall to help stem the invasion of illegal aliens into the country, an organization has been formed whose purpose is to remind Congress vividly of the need for a border wall.

Send-A-Brick Project is asking everyone to send a brick to Congress to emphasize the need for a secure border & to remind Congress that Americans voted them into office, not illegals, & that Americans can vote them out. Over 8,000 bricks have been sent so far.

There are 2 ways to send a brick. You can send your own brick or Send-A-Brick will do it for you with a letter included. It is $12, to cover costs, for the Project to send your brick. Go to the link above for further information & to find out who your Represenative is.

Below are some pictures of bricks that some people have sent on their own. Other brick photos can be seen at their site.

Send-A-Brick bricks on way to Congress

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Senate Passes Immigration Bill & Tells Americans To Go To Hell

The quisling Senate today passed a sweeping immigration bill that will do nothing less than force social engineering on Americans & will lead to even heavier debt or bankruptcy of Social Security & Medicare.

A quick read of the bill reveals the following:

*Amnesty for up to 20 million illegals.
*Large increase in yearly worker visas & temporary workers program.
*Consultation with Mexico about building a border fence
*A short cut path to permanent residency & citizenship
*Social Security credit for work obtained illegally.
*Prevailing wage paid to guest workers.
*Border fence for 370 of the 2,000 mile border.
*Amnesty for businesses who hired illegals.
*Businesses forbidden to fire guest workers without just cause.
*Amnesty for taxes owed on any work after 3 years.
*Millions of former illegals eligible for earned-income tax credit.
*Former illegals eligible to bring extended family to USA .
*No requirement that English is official language of USA.

This is an absolute travesty & sell-out of Americans. These illegals are being given more consideration, more breaks than a US citizen. It is appalling.

*The Senate bill opens the door for up to 66 million immigrants in 20 years with extended families being allowed in. The country cannot handle that on-slaught.
*The increase in guest workers will take more jobs from Americans.
*Why do we need to consult with Mexico before building a paltry 370 mile fence? They are the instigators of this mass illegal immigration.
*Permanent residency or citizenship of up to 20 million illegals allows them access to all social services - costing upwards of a projected $50 billion a year.
*Social Security credit for working illegally rewards that crime. They used fake SSN #'s to obtain the job or stole someone's SSN #. But that's okay. All's forgiven.
* Prevailing wage mandatory for guest workers, when even American citizens are not guaranteed that.
*No punishment for businesses that knowingly hired illegals & help get us in this mess in the first place.
*Amnesty for income taxes for any work over 3 years. Even Americans don't get that.
*Earned-income tax credit for former illegals. Instead of paying into the system, they will be taking it out, considering most of the illegals are on the lowest ladder of income. It will cost us billions.
*The acknowledgement that English is the official language of this country will not be included.
*Eligibility for Medicaid will cost untold billions to taxpayers.
*Drastic social engineering when 66 million immigrants reshape the country.

The Senate bill is 600 pages, so we await further analysis of it. But based on the above, the Senate has proven that it cares diddly for Americans. They are traitors, sell-outs & swine. The only hope for American citizens is that this bill will be stopped or changed drastically when it comes before the House-Senate compromise committee. The House is our only hope of maintaining a rational immigration policy.

Meanwhile, those sell-out Senators who voted for this bill can go to hell - the sooner the better. Please contact your Representative & express your outrage at this sell-out. Your children & grand-children are the ones who will really suffer from the likes of a such law.

The best pay-back is for folks to not vote for any one already in office who voted for this bill. Even if the Senator is in your party, vote against him. They are corrupt already, so why give them more time in office?

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Illegal Immigrants Returning To Mexico For American Jobs

It's true. It really is.

Read more>>

Friday, May 19, 2006

US Senate - Immigration Amendments

The Senate passed a few amendments to its comprehensive immigration bill. One was good, one was token. One was outrageously voted down.

The Senate adapted an amendment citing English as the national language. A related amendment called English a unifying language, but allowing other languages. However, Harry Reid, the Democrat Minority Leader had this to say: "Although the intent may not be there, I really believe this amendment is racist. I believe it is directed at people who speak Spanish." Reid, not known as the brightest light bulb in the box & with a proclivity to make other outrageous statements, is an idiot. If Spanish speakers hope to succeed in this country, it is by learning the English language, not being shielded from it. It is a disservice to deny them this important tool. It is not , as the fool Reid states, racist. Reid maginalizes himself & the Democrat Party with each inane statement that oozes from his uneducated mouth.

Another amendment should have been a given. The Senate voted down an amendment to deny illegal immigrants who become permanent residents Social Security benefits for the time they were working illegally. That means that illegals will be credited in the Social Security system for work they illegally or fraudulently obtained. This is ridiculous. Social Security is in trouble enough without adding the burden of giving benefits to those whose were not at the time legally eligible for it. The former illegals are now being rewarded for their illegal conduct. Besides using phony Social Security cards, they also steal the SSN's of Americans - identity theft - causing grief to those whose SSN's were stolen. It's nice to see that they Senate cares more for foreign law-breakers than for the American citizens the Senate is supposed to represent. It's sickening.

Another amendment adapted was approval for construction of a 370 border fence/wall. Considering that the southern border is 2,000 miles long, this is merely a gratuitous nod to those who demand a wall along the entire border. But considering the open-borders mentality of the Senate - hey, it's a start.

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Senate Immigration Bill Would Allow 100 Million New Legal Immigrants over the Next Twenty Years

If enacted, the Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act (CIRA, S.2611) would be the most dramatic change in immigration law in 80 years, allowing an estimated 103 million persons to legally immigrate to the U.S. over the next 20 years—fully one-third of the current population of the United States.

Much attention has been given to the fact that the bill grants amnesty to some 10 million illegal immigrants. Little or no attention has been given to the fact that the bill would quintuple the rate of legal immigration into the United States, raising, over time, the inflow of legal immigrants from around one million per year to over five million per year. The impact of this increase in legal immigration dwarfs the magnitude of the amnesty provisions.

In contrast to the 103 million immigrants permitted under CIRA, current law allows 19 million legal immigrants over the next twenty years. Relative to current law, then, CIRA would add an extra 84 million legal immigrants to the nation’s population.

The figure of 103 million legal immigrants is a reasonable estimate of the actual immigration inflow under the bill and not the maximum number that would be legally permitted to enter. The maximum number that could legally enter would be almost 200 million over twenty years—over 180 million more legal immigrants than current law permits.


Monday, May 15, 2006

Bush Border Speech

President Bush spoke tonight on illegal immigration, the highlight being stationing 6,000 National Guardsmen on the border on a temporary basis. The Guard will not apprehend or detain illegals crossing the border, but rather be used as support in surveillance & construction.

We find this idea feeble & of little real value. 6,000 Guardsmen on a 2,000 mile border does not do much, especially when they cannot detain illegals. Rather, we believe this is the President's salve, after so many complaints now coming in about border security. It is more a PR thing than any real attempt to secure the border.

The rest of Bush's message was more of the same, especially when he spoke of a temporary worker program & illegals going to the back line for citizenship. The Senate & House compromise that is expected in the coming weeks will show where they & the President really stand with immigration reform. We are not hopeful.

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Predator Birds To Be Used In Border Control

The Bureau of Customs & Borders has announced that a trial project is being implemented to control our southern borders by using predator birds as "eyes-in-the-skies" & as an interdiction method when illegal aliens are discovered crossing the border.

Bureau spokesman Thomas Fulery said that if successful, the experimental project will become another valuable tool along the entire 2,000 mile southern border.

The idea was conceived at the Department of Genetic Engineering, UCLA. Small predator birds, such as the hawk & falcon were genetically altered to increase their size & aggressiveness. In a ten year research project, the birds eventually developed a 50 - 80 pound body weight. Their wing spans now reach 7 1/2 feet.

From the lab to the border:

A Border Patrol Officer studying at UCLA happened to come across the project & with some insight realized that these birds could be used on the border. The concept is simple. These birds would patrol the border night & day. They would carry day/night vision cameras which would broadcast to a ground monitoring unit. The Border Patrol in turn would send out officers to any suspicious areas where these birds spotted illegal aliens crossing the border.

These birds are trained to stalk any border crossers until the Border Patrol arrives. The large size & wing span of the birds would have such an intimidating factor that any border crossers would return to Mexico or passively wait until Border Patrol arrived.

Spokesman Fulery stated that the test period so far has been an enormous success with a record number of apprehensions. He did admit to some short-comings, such as losing control of some hawks. On their own, the hawks swooped down on the illegals & snatched some in their talons & flew them off to their very large nests up in the Muy Caliente Mountains. Fulery estimated that 17 Mexicans have thus far been taken by the birds. Though manhunts were initiated, only human bones have been found near the nests. In a moment of dark humor, Fulery stated, " The birds got a meal & the illegals got their just desert".

Border agents prepare to send genetically altered parakeet on its first border patrol mission

Sunday, May 07, 2006

A Day Without an Illegal Immigrant

What would a day without illegal aliens really be like? In response to the May 1 "Great American Boycott" & "Day Without Immigrants" demonstrations across the country by illegal aliens & their advocates, Rep. Tom Tancredo of Colorado offers some ideas:

If illegal aliens stayed home—in Mexico, Guatemala, Brazil, and 100 other countries—the Border Patrol would have 3,500 fewer apprehensions (of the 12,000 who try each day).

Colorado taxpayers would save almost $3,000,000 in one day if illegals do not access any public services, because illegal aliens cost the state over $1 billion annually according to the best estimates.

Colorado’s K-12 school classrooms would have 131,000 fewer students if illegal aliens and the children of illegals were to stay home, and Denver high schools’ dropout rate would once again approach the national norm.

Colorado’s jails and prisons would have 10-percent fewer inmates, and Denver and many other towns would not need to build so many new jails to accommodate the overcrowding.

Our highway patrol and county sheriffs would have about far fewer DUI arrests and there would be a dramatic decline in rollovers of vanloads of illegal aliens on I-70 and other highways.

OBGYN wards in Denver would have 24-percent fewer deliveries and Los Angeles’s maternity-ward deliveries would drop by 40 percent and maternity billings to Medi-Cal would drop by 66 percent.

(Read more here) Sounds good to us.

Monday, May 01, 2006

A Day Without Immigrants - Illegals En Mass In Protest For Rights

Today was the Great American Boycott, the "Day Without Immigrants" as it's organizers whimsically called it - illegal alien workers not showing up for their jobs, not buying American products , their children not going to school. They wanted to show Americans that we can't live without them - Na-na-na-na-na. So there. We'll show those Gringos.

Hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens & their advocates staged protests across the country to demand their "rights". We can only assume that by "rights" they mean blanket amnesty, which translates into immediate, unqualified legal status or American citizenship for all 11 - 20 million illegals in this country.

They carried mostly American flags this time, because the last series of protests didn't go over too well with Americans when these illegals marched with mostly Mexican flags with an in-your-face attitude. They suddenly love America & its flag. Don't bet on it. They also carried signs: "stop the discrimination", "end racism", "we demand human rights", "we want our rights", blah, blah, blah.

Okay - let's try to sort this out. Rights? What rights? These illegals have zero, zip, nada rights, in the sense that American citizens & legal immigrants have. These illegals broke US law by illegally crossing the border or overstaying their visas. By current law they are subject to fines, imprisonment & deportation. It is unlawful for businesses to hire them. Many illegals use false i.d.'s such as driver licenses, social security cards, green cards, identity theft, you name it. And they often use them to get benefits fraudulently. So now they compound their initial crime with more criminal activity. Hmmm - the more crimes they commit, the more "rights" they demand. Absurdville at its best.

How's this for their "rights" - THE ONLY RIGHTS THEY DESERVE ARE MIRANDA WARNING RIGHTS, like in the right to remain silent, the right to a lawyer.

Seriously folks, this is not a "rights" issue, although illegal alien advocates try to paint the issue with the broad stroke of the civil rights movement of the '60's & of Martin Luther King, or liken themselves to slaves or indentured servants who have been terribly abused & denied "human rights" as their placards pronounce. Having broken US law, they now seem to think they are entitled to non-existent rights that they have been manifestly & unfairly denied. Wrongo - like the squatter who breaks into your house, remains in the basement for a period of time & then demands the "right" to become a family member. The protesters also are fond of using the "racism" word because Americans have the gall to want control of the borders. But the racism card is just that - a means of intimidation. If anything, those protesters who chant La Raza (The Race) as a rallying cry are more inclined to toward racism.

Let us not forget that they demand immediate amnesty & permanent residency status while those who play by the rules spend years & lawyers fees trying to get it. They don't care about those folks. These protesters got into the country illegally & now want a free & immediate pass.

In 1986 the USA gave 3 million illegals legal status. Horrible mistake. It only encouraged others to follow over the border hoping for the same thing. So now we give these 11-20 million legal status & what do you thinks happens next? A new wave of illegals come into the country looking for their shot at amnesty. Amnesty is unworkable. There will never be an end to it. If they want legal status in this country, let them go back to their country & apply for legal entry like so many millions of others have done.

They can boycott & protest till the cows come home, but they will not get the "rights" they demand. We wonder if they have boycotted the free health care & other free social services they have been milking at taxpayer expense. We think not.