Sunday, May 07, 2006

A Day Without an Illegal Immigrant

What would a day without illegal aliens really be like? In response to the May 1 "Great American Boycott" & "Day Without Immigrants" demonstrations across the country by illegal aliens & their advocates, Rep. Tom Tancredo of Colorado offers some ideas:

If illegal aliens stayed home—in Mexico, Guatemala, Brazil, and 100 other countries—the Border Patrol would have 3,500 fewer apprehensions (of the 12,000 who try each day).

Colorado taxpayers would save almost $3,000,000 in one day if illegals do not access any public services, because illegal aliens cost the state over $1 billion annually according to the best estimates.

Colorado’s K-12 school classrooms would have 131,000 fewer students if illegal aliens and the children of illegals were to stay home, and Denver high schools’ dropout rate would once again approach the national norm.

Colorado’s jails and prisons would have 10-percent fewer inmates, and Denver and many other towns would not need to build so many new jails to accommodate the overcrowding.

Our highway patrol and county sheriffs would have about far fewer DUI arrests and there would be a dramatic decline in rollovers of vanloads of illegal aliens on I-70 and other highways.

OBGYN wards in Denver would have 24-percent fewer deliveries and Los Angeles’s maternity-ward deliveries would drop by 40 percent and maternity billings to Medi-Cal would drop by 66 percent.

(Read more here) Sounds good to us.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very pretty site! Keep working. thnx!

5/21/2006 5:58 PM  
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7/13/2006 10:54 PM  

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