Friday, March 09, 2007

Two Thirds Of Employees In Factory Detained On Immigration Charges

About two-thirds of the 500 employees working at leather maker Michael Bianco Inc in New Bedford, Massachusetts, were detained on Tuesday by immigration officials for possible deportation as illegal immigrants. Most of the employees were women and, as a result, about 100 children were left with babysitters or caretakers.

The company, called a sweatshop by authorities, has a $91 million military contract to make backpacks & safety vests.

The owner of the company, Francesco Insolia, 50, and three managers were arrested as well.

Investigators said the illegal workers faced onerous fines at the factory - $20 for talking while working or spending more than two minutes in the bathroom.

Welcome to President Bush's "jobs Americans won't do."

Multiple problems with this. Here we have a company abusing laborers as if it was 1910. The company is also saving big bucks by using under-paid, no-benefits workers - it has a big edge on bidding for contracts. 300 of 500 employees may be illegals? Good grief. Then there are the illegals themselves. 100 children? All anchor babies - children with American citizenship, but illegal parents. We're sure your tax dollars are going to support them.

Bush & Congress need to get serious & close the sieve of a border. They need to come down hard on employers like the ilk above with prison terms & fines. When illegals can't get jobs, they will be less eager to come here. And maybe companies will be forced to hire Americans at decent wages. But Bush & Congress have no desire to do this. So we will have more "jobs American won't do" & more anchor babies supported by taxpayers.

Thursday, March 01, 2007

Calif Proposal To Give $500 to Each Newborn Regardless Of Immigration Status

Legislation unveiled Wednesday would provide a tax-free, long-term investment account to every baby born in California, regardless of the parents' financial or immigration status. The idea is to persuade more families to invest for the future, beginning when their children are infants.

The proposed account, called Kids Investment and Development Savings, or KIDS, is meant to grow until the child turns 18 and could withdraw the money for a house, education, vocational training or to roll over into a retirement account.

It is estimated that it will cost California taxpayers over $280 million a year for the over 500,000 births a year. Births are expected to reach over 600,000 by 2015. With families contributing $50 a month the investment would reach over $17,000 when the child reaches 18.

We find this proposal insane & hope it will be defeated. California is already deeply in the red with its budget deficit. Adding $280 million a year is not a luxury taxpayers can afford. Nor is it fair to those taxpayers without children.

Beyond this, illegal alien parents of children should not be further rewarded for breaking the laws of our country. And it will only be a further inducement for illegals to cross the border so they can drop more newborns on the taxpayers.

We pity anyone living in California. Besides quickly becoming Mexifornia, California is spiraling down to a 3rd-world status, thanks to the free spending legislators in the state.