Two Million Mexicans Missing - Where Oh Where Could They Be?
Mexico recently completed a census & the population is now 103 million. However, the population is a projected 2 million short. Investigators are still trying to determine why.
Well, let's see. Perhaps someone is very bad at adding. Maybe their computers have a virus. Maybe they were all at the movies when the counting started. Or just maybe...just maybe they happen to be in the United States - illegally, along with the other 18 million illegals. Ya think? This would be funny, if it wasn't so pathetic.
Well, let's see. Perhaps someone is very bad at adding. Maybe their computers have a virus. Maybe they were all at the movies when the counting started. Or just maybe...just maybe they happen to be in the United States - illegally, along with the other 18 million illegals. Ya think? This would be funny, if it wasn't so pathetic.