Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Two Million Mexicans Missing - Where Oh Where Could They Be?

Mexico recently completed a census & the population is now 103 million. However, the population is a projected 2 million short. Investigators are still trying to determine why.

Well, let's see. Perhaps someone is very bad at adding. Maybe their computers have a virus. Maybe they were all at the movies when the counting started. Or just maybe...just maybe they happen to be in the United States - illegally, along with the other 18 million illegals. Ya think? This would be funny, if it wasn't so pathetic.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

to francis lynn:
I find your comments about mexicans very disgusting! I am a mexican american! I find it really ignorant that people YOU are always talking about the mexicans this and the mexicans that! These people (MY ANCESTORS) have a rich culture, that has been around for many centuries. Longer than the U.S.! These people were here in the united states before many of the Euoropeans and other immigrants from other countries came here and took over the states you now know as Texas, Arizona, California, and NEW MEXICO! THE MEXICANS THAT ENTER THIS COUNTRY ARE JUST TRYING TO FEED AND SUPPORT THEIR FAMILIES! THEY DO NOT HAVE ANY ALTERIOR MOTIVES FOR BEING HERE OTHER THAN BEING ABLE TO FEED THEIR FAMILIES! WORRY ABOUT THE IMMIGRANTS WHO ARE REALLY HERE IN THE UNITED STATES WITH ALTERIOR MOTIVES AND LEAVE THE MEXICANS ALONE!

3/06/2006 9:49 PM  
Blogger Francis Lynn said...

We have not disparaged Mexicans. We have Mexican friends. We are disparaging a policy, system & process that is creating problems in the United States. It may be better if you spend your time being disgusted at a corrupt Mexican political system that is causing familes to move to the USA in order to feed their familes. But no, you won't do that. Every country has a right to control its borders. In fact, Mexico is a lot tougher when it comes to its own border control. If the USA were next to Pakistan, we would be dissing the Pakistan government. Mexico just happens to be next to us.

3/06/2006 9:59 PM  
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5/21/2006 5:53 PM  
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5/21/2006 6:06 PM  
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7/22/2006 11:28 AM  

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