Thursday, June 28, 2007

Senate Shamensty Bill Fails Again

The Amnesty bill that the Senate attempted to foister on American citizens has gone down in glorious defeat. This effectively kills any attempts at immigration reform until at least after 2008. This bill was so egregious & damaging to America's interests that it still amazes us that so-called representatives of America's citizens would have the gall to attempt such a travesty.

This government has still no effective control over our borders. In this day & age of terrorists it is appalling that this condition exists. It is appalling that thugs, criminals as well as terrorists can still get into this country illegally & easily. Have our representatives forgotten 911 so soon? How many more Americans must die at the hands of rapists, child predators, murderers, drunk drivers & drug dealers who get into this country illegally before something is done? How many Americans must be victimized by identity theft before the government stops this insanity?

How long must towns & cities & taxpayers foot the bill for illegals who get our health care, education, welfare & other social benefits? How long must we watch our towns & cities turn into 3rd world enclaves of unassimulated illegals who are overwhelming our culture & traditions? How many towns must go from 10% Hispanic to 70% Hispanic within 10 years because our government refuses to stop the hordes of invaders?

The Senates' easy answer is to make 12-20 million illegals "legal". Voila! No more illegals problem - they are now all legal residents courtesy of Congress.

Congress is no friend to the American public. They are an elite, self-serving, self-interest bunch of swine who are traitors to America's interests. They flat-out lie on tv about what this bill would have done. They are reprehensible. Better that those who vote for such bills as this drop dead. And the sooner the better.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Senate Passes Comprehensive Color Bill!!

In a stunning vote to end racism once & for all in this country, the Senate passed a Comprehensive Color bill by a 100-0 vote.

Some highlights of the bill:

Every person of color will immediately be issued a C-visa. This will give them legal, temporary white status. In 4 months they can apply for a regular C-visa at a cost of $1,000 which is renewable every 4 years. Those persons of color who seek a pathway to white citizenship may apply for permanent white status after 8 years at a cost of $5,000. They must also swear they are really persons of color, learn white-speak & pass a white citizenship test.

A beaming Senator Ted Kennedy, Captain of the SS Oldsmobile said, " This will bring the 100 million persons of color in our country out of the shadows & allow them to participate fully & legally in our white country.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Amnesty By Any Other Name Is Still Amnesty

President Bush & the Senators who are for the proposed immigration bill keep clamoring that illegal aliens will not be given amnesty if the current bill is passed. They claim that since illegals will have to pay a penalty for citizenship or legal status, that it is not amnesty. Bush is a liar. The Senators are liars. They are playing words games. They are trying to deceive the public.

The day this bill is ever passed is the same day that 12-20 million illegal aliens will be given legal status to remain & work in the USA. They will be given provisional Z-visas - a new made-up visa just for them. They can they apply for a permament Z-visa for $1,000. The visa is renewable, meaning they can remain in this country forever even if they don't pursue citizenship. If they pursue citizenship the total cost will be $5,000. But those waiting to come to this country legally, by the rules, pay out thousands for fees & attorneys & wait 8 - 13 years.

These illegals broke the law by coming here illegally. That will now be overlooked. The taxes they never paid while working will now be overlooked. The fraudulent & stolen Social Security numbers they used to get work will now be overlooked. The fraudulent driver licenses & green cards they bought will now be overlooked. The medical requirements that apply to aliens who enter the country legally will now be overlooked. The fraud they committed to gain social services will now be overlooked.

WE CALL THIS AMNESTY despite what a dipshit President & dipshit Senators call it.

It's nice to know that our Representatives are more concerned with butt-kissing the illegals then controlling the border or looking out for the interests of the American people. They are reprehensible.

Saturday, June 09, 2007

Treacherous Senate Immigration Bill Fails

The comprehensive immigration bill that Senators tried to ram down the throats of Americans has been defeated. It was a sweet victory for those who want border security & enforcement of illegal immigration laws.

The bill was concocted by a group of Senators who tried to by-pass the normal channels of bringing a bill before the Senate. Instead of writing a bill & sending it to a committee & sub-committee for review, debate & amendments & voting it out of committee to the full Senate for a vote, these Senators met in secret with illegal-immigration advocacy groups & hammered out a bill that was a mish-mash of amnesty & weak border controls. They then brought it before the full Senate & attempted to get the bill passed without review, debate or time enough to study it completely.

In effect, they tried to ram the bill through to passage before the American public became aware of what a travesty this bill was. They are reprehensible.