Thursday, July 05, 2007

Illegal Rapes 15yr Old -Was Jailed 11 Times Prior

Juan Villa, an illegal immigrant criminal, was released on $1,000 bail & just hours later raped a 15yr old. A 13-year-old girl also told deputies during the investigation Tuesday she was raped by Villa. Law enforcement is looking for him. Authorities detained at least 13 suspected illegal immigrants Tuesday during a search for the suspect.

Villa has been in the Maury County Jail 11 times since 2001 on charges of assault, public intoxication, driving without a license and contempt of court. He was released at 9:44 p.m. Friday on $1,000 bond. Officials said the rape allegedly happened shortly after midnight at a residence in Maury County not belonging to the victim or suspect.

Sheriff Enoch George said local law enforcement contacted Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents before the rape allegedly occurred about deportation but were told the matter would be dealt with at a later date.

This is absolutely obscene. A piece of crap from a 3rd world cesspool of a country is arrested 11 times & the scum is still in this country?! And immigration & Enforcement says they'll deal with him later?! It's the same with all the other illegal criminals who are arrested & released & who then go on to kill Americans or rape or rob them.

Are they freakin idiots?! Why wasn't this piece of garbage deported on the 1st jailing or the 4th or the 7th? What the hell is wrong with our government?

Scum like this are the ones that Sen. Ted Kennedy & President Bush want to give amnesty to? They want to give them special visas so they can stay in this country legally, so at least when they rape American teenagers they can't be deported? Hell, they're not deported anyway.

Who knows how many scum like Villa would be granted amnesty along with the 12-20 million illegals in this country?

Something is seriously wrong with these politicians, with this government. They care not about the American public. They are reprehensible, they are traitors to the citizens. They are responsible foe every rape, murder, dui killing & every other crime perpetuated by ilk like these illegals. The disdain we have for these so-called representatives of our country has no bottom. They are garbage just as much as the Juan Villas running rampant in the country.

And they still have not come even close to securing our borders. They just don't care. But when the next terrorist attack happens because of our unsecured borders, then they'll be stepping over each other with their sanctimonious pronouncements.

They whine that those who did not support the amnesty bill were bigots or racists or don't care what's best for America. Secretary of Homeland Security Chertof pisses & moans about those against this bill, but the jackass does nothing to secure the borders.

They are turning our towns & cities into huge enclaves of unassimulated 3rd world peoples. They are turning America into a 3rd world country.

What a bunch of waste products. Drop dead.

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Happy 4th of July

For those of you who can't get to a real fireworks display, here are two links where you can set off your own fireworks by clicking on your mouse. Here & here.

The nation celebrates the 231th year since the Declaration of Independence. July 4th, 1776 was the watershed moment when the American colonies voted to formally break from Great Britain. War was inevitable & the successful outcome of that war for the colonies was gloomy indeed.

An assemblage of volunteers was pitted against the most formidable military power in the world. Success came 6 yrs later after a long, contentious fight for independence. But that only set the stage for building a nation. The Articles of Confederation, then the Constitution finally gave birth to the United States of America.

There were many heroes & brilliant men who helped establish the U.S.A at that time. It could almost seem that Divine Providence stepped in by delivering so many of those men at that time.

The U.S.A of 1787 was an unheard of experiment in that era - a truly free, democratic Republic. From our perspective, it is easy to not appreciate how truly revolutionary this form of government was.

Let us celebrate what our ancestors gave us & the world. Let us remember those in the armed forces who won the right for this country to exist & those in all our armed conflicts who helped & continue to help this country remain free.

America is the bright beacon of the world, the best hope of the world. This is attested to by the millions of have come, still come & wish to come to these shores.