Friday, May 25, 2007

Senate Again Sells Out Americans

Senate Republicans & Democrats, after meeting secretly, reached a compromise immigration bill that is a complete sellout of the American public. It is worse than the bill the Senate came up with last year. The highlight of the bill is that it would give immediate amnesty & legalization to 12-20 million illegals.

It is so egregious that one wonders how Senators can be so stupid or so arrogant or so detached from the will of the American public. The contents of the bill was enough for the Senate Minority Leader to call it a "piece of sh*t". What's disturbing is that some Republicans who should know better got on board & supported it.

Some of the provisions of the bill:

1. The day this bill ever becomes law, 12-20 million illegals aliens would immediately have their status changed to legal. They would be issued a provisional card allowing them to stay & work in the US.

2. Eventually they would get renewable Z-visas which maintains their legal status indefinitely.

3. There is no requirement for them to apply for citizenship, but if they do so, they would have to pay a $5,000 "fine".

4. Border security would include hiring a few thousand more Border Patrol Officers & the 700 mile fenced enacted into law last year would be shortened to half that. Greater reliance would be put on additional electronic surveillance.

5. Guest workers per year would be set at 400,000.

President Bush & Senate leaders deny this is amnesty, but they're lying. It is obviously amnesty.

There are other stupidities in this bill. The government is given only 24 hours to run a background check on each illegal. It normally takes months to do a thorough background check, but illegals who may have false i.d. are even more problematic. This is pure idiocy. Those who want citizenship would have to pay a $5,000 "fine". Illegals who are gang members would have to sign a statement renouncing their gang ties. Duh. The 600,000 illegal fugitives now on the run would be eligible for legal status. Illegals would not have to pay back taxes, which Americans don't have the luxury to do. Illegals would now be eligible for in-state-tuition, educational loans, & a host of welfare programs. There is no penalty for coming into the country illegally, nor for use of phony social security numbers or driver licenses or other fake i.d. they typically use. Their immediate family is eligible to come into the US, which could swell the population by 40 million. The jump in front of the line of lawfully abiding people who try to get into the country legally. Legalizing all these illegals would cost about $2.5 trillion dollars in government benefits & assistance over 30 years. Your tax dollars. Border security promises will be just that - promises that never get fulfilled.

It goes on & on. These Senators are on drugs or something. This bill is an embarrassment to the Senate & an affront to every American & legal resident. The bill is slated for a vote in June, although the Democrats were hoping to ram it down our throats as early as this coming week, without committee hearings or debate. Amendments are being voted on in the meanwhile.

Monday, May 21, 2007

No To Amnesty - Yes To Deportation

The Senate is heading toward a vote on an immigration package that is actually amnesty for 12-20 million illegals. We will go into the details when we see the package. However, the current immigration laws on the book ought to be enforced, rather then spending time talking about amnesty.

The immigration system is broke. It needs to be fixed first. Here is one "hard-working, family values" illegal that should have been deported the first time he ran afoul with the law. It took the murder of a police officer to stop him.

Ezeiquiel Lopez, an illegal, shot & killed a police officer during a traffic stop. Lopez had prior run-ins with the law:

In 2003, he was arrested in Texas on a gun charge.

In 2003, Lopez was picked up in Missouri for driving drunk.

In 2004, Kenosha police arrested him on charges of domestic battery, disorderly conduct and bail jumping.

No agency bothered to check his legal status nor inform Immigration. The scum should have been deported on the first offense. Why he wasn't speaks volumes of our broken system. It also demonstrates the sanctuary cities, in their arrogant defiance of Federal law, aids & abets these criminals.

It is the same with DUI illegals who are killing Americnas. Many have 2, 3, 4 priors. They were never deported.

The Senate ought to put a lot more concern into the safety of Americans, rather than kowtow to illegals & make them legal. If Lopez didn't do his killing he more than likely would have been on the road to citizenship or at least made legal, thanks to the Senate.

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Victims of Illegals

These are but a few of the thousands of people who have been victimized each year by illegal aliens. They were victims of homicides, DUI's, sex assaults, child molestation, aggravated assaults, robbery, theft, kidnapping, sex slaves. Many DUI drivers were arrested 2-6 times before. Why weren't they deported on their first offense?!

Each one of these people would not be dead, legless, or otherwise injured if the illegal alien criminals were not in this country.

Contrary to President Bush, not all illegal aliens come here to just work, nor do they all bring family values with them. Along with the worker, scum crosses the border too. As well as terrorists. Not only do they bring crimes, they bring unchecked disease. Tubercolosis & other diseases are increasing in areas of high illegal immigration.

How many more must be killed, lives ruined, before Congress & the President do something?!

Congress & Bush are responsible for these deaths & injuries. They are doing nothing seriously to stop the illegal invasion. Forget "guest worker" programs. Get a handle on the invasion first. Stop the unneeded carnage. This is shameful.

For a summary of these cases, go
here & here

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Why the illegals must go!

April 19, 2007
by William Gheen
President, Americans for Legal Immigration PAC (ALIPAC)

Today, Americans face an unprecedented illegal immigration crisis facilitated by multi-billion dollar drug and human importing cartels as well as corporations which are inducing the invasion by aiding and abetting illegal aliens and using their influence on the Executive Branch and elections to paralyze existing immigration laws supported by over 80% of the American citizenry.

These events are not random and chaotic. Massive illegal immigration is the result of non-enforcement and under-enforcement of our existing immigration laws.

Supporters of illegal aliens love to claim that our immigration system is broken. The system is not broken. Elite financial and political business interests who could care less about the death and devastation they are causing Americans have sabotaged the system. Their profits continue to rise as they send the rest of America spiraling downward on a path to anarchy and Third World quality-of-life conditions.

By using their influence to suspend our existing laws, these globalist special interests have deprived all Americans of political representation as well as their votes, their voice, and a functioning Republic for which our flag stands.

When the laws of the American people – debated and voted on by their duly-elected Congressional Representatives and signed into law by the President – go intentionally under-enforced by the Executive Branch, all of the principles, sovereignty, and self-governance of Americans are derailed. The will of the American public, the existing laws, the US Constitution, and the borders of our great nation are perceived as market hindrances to the global elite. We the people of America are perceived as peasants and subjects beneath the power of their influence.

The American public has spoken through our lawmakers and in numerous polls. A super majority of Americans want our existing laws enforced, those responsible for illegal immigration fined and/or imprisoned, the borders secured, and illegal aliens deported from the United States for many years or permanently. These fact remain, despite several politicized polls which attempt to manufacture consent and make you believe such views represent a minority.

The truth is that most Americans want the illegal aliens to return to the nations of which they are citizens. The rallying cry is: "Illegals Go Home!"

We could easily list 101 reasons why Americans are upset about illegal immigration. Most are concerned about the 4,000+ preventable deaths of Americans by the criminal acts of illegal aliens on our soil each year. No corporate propaganda will change the fact that most Americans do not want to surrender or capitulate to the lawless masses rushing into our nation.

No poll or politicized source is needed to prove this point because the decision is based upon our nation's successful history and basic common sense. The answer is based on something that every judge, lawmaker, and even street thug knows. The penalties must outweigh the benefits if you want to deter any action.

It is common sense and common practice in America that for any law to be a deterrent, two important factors are in play. First, the laws must be enforced, and second, the penalties for any crime must exceed the benefits to those breaking the law.

It is truly amazing that we find ourselves as a nation having to explain these basic foundations of law to corporations and politicians in the year 2007 despite their existence since the dawn of civilization! Can you imagine what would happen in America if the penalty for robbing a bank was that you had to return half of the money you stole if, and only if, you were apprehended for the crime? What if the penalty for car theft was paying a $2,000 fine if you were caught with the stolen vehicle?

The answers are clear. Within a month, you would not have a bank open in America and you would not be able to keep a car worth more than $2,000 in your driveway for more than a week. How many millions of people would quickly take up the careers of bank robber and car thief once the rewards for the crime were higher than the penalty?

If American businesses and homes left their windows and doors unlocked each night and robbers were merely removed by police when detected – only to try again the next night – what do you think would happen? If big, global businesses practiced the same non-enforcement of security similar to the lack of border security and lack of immigration enforcement they have facilitated for Americans, they would be out of business in a matter of days or weeks. If they left their doors unlocked at night and just pushed people back to the street, America would quickly descend into such chaos and anarchy that we would be unable to sustain a population of 300 million. Our population would take a hit similar to the impact of the Black Plague on Europe, and we would quickly enter a new dark age.

Since illegal aliens can never afford to compensate Americans for what they have taken, they must go. We do not need to go door to door looking for illegals to deport in America. Attrition through enforcement works. Illegal aliens are leaving the states of Georgia and Pennsylvania in droves, not because they are enforcing the laws but because they have simply announced they plan to start!

Unfortunately, the current state of affairs in America has illegals flooding in by the millions each year and many law-abiding Americans fleeing the states of California and Texas and many towns and cities in search of more safety and security. Many Americans are on the run and finding few places left to run to.

The illegal aliens are sending a clear message on the streets of Los Angeles and other major urban centers. They are saying: "This is our land. White, black, and legal Hispanics get out!"

This is great news for the housing and real estate markets, Wal-Mart, and McDonalds. They are growing the economy using rapid population growth. This is great news for big corporations and bad news for Americans.

Attrition through enforcement will work. In fact, if President George Bush were to announce on national television that America would begin securing our borders and enforcing our existing laws in one month, so many illegal aliens would leave America that Mexico would have to set up refuge stations!

Another important reason that the illegal aliens must leave for the long term is that they'll return to their home communities with a message for their neighbors that their ill-gotten gains did not pay off in America. This is the only thing that will stop, or slow, the flow. Deporting illegal aliens and sending them packing is the only real way we can put a stop to this crisis.

The politicians in DC are very aware that Americans want the illegal aliens to go. That is why their latest Scamnesty legislation includes a “touchback” provision. Under these laws, the illegal aliens can hop across the Mexican or Canadian borders where special "Ellis Island" stations are set up for them to pay a fine, receive new documentation and be back in the US within days or hours.

The lunatics advocating this plan are counting on Americans to be so stupid and so gullible that they can say, "Look, the illegals left and walked back in legally. Problem solved!" They are eager to pretend to accommodate the American desires for the illegals to leave while quickly returning their slave labor force to our nation.

They know that Americans want illegals to leave and get behind a long line of legal immigrants waiting to enter the US, including millions of people who have been waiting 5-10 years. These politicians and the illegal aliens need to be shown the way to the back of the line. The back of the line is back in the country in which they are citizens, 5-10 years down the road behind all of the talented and law-abiding people who respect our laws.

If these traitorous corporations and politicians succeed in setting up these Ellis Island stations for “Operation Touchback," the revered symbol of Ellis Island will take on a new meaning that Americans see with contempt and resentment. Ellis Island will become a name associated with the horrendous betrayal of free Americans and the deathblow to the American Republic. This is a symbol of America’s surrender and the subjugation of all her people.

If we allow the politicians in DC to sign off on the many Guest Worker, Temporary Worker, Path to Citizenship, Amnesty, Scamnesty bills written by the US Chamber of Commerce, then no wall with an army on top of it will stop the next 20 million from crashing down on our country. We will have signaled that America is weak and will capitulate and accommodate. Already, the word is out in Central and South America that they can come and stay. Each time President Bush has opened his mouth about such programs, the US Border Patrol reports massive spikes in illegal crossings.

Since there is literally no end to the stream of illegals who want to be in America, this will be the end of America as we have known it and as history has praised it.

In the past, when America has cracked down on illegal immigration and the American people have signaled they want the immigration brakes applied, the policies have worked. New laws written near the turn of the 20th century greatly reduced the amount of immigration into America. When Presidents Franklin Roosevelt and Dwight Eisenhower launched large deportation campaigns in the 1950s and 1930s, illegal immigration slowed to minuscule levels as a result.

Whether you agree or disagree with the decisions of the past, these policies were part of the successful formula that have led America to become the most opulent and successful civilization in human history.

While some argue that these enforcement measures were racist and that some American citizens of different races were improperly deported at the time, we now have the technology and methodology in place to assure that American citizens and legal immigrants are not improperly affected by our immigration enforcement efforts.

The difference in 2007 is that the globalist corporations that have hijacked the American government want to stop the American citizenry from applying the brakes this time. They have taken away our ability to determine who can enter our nation and our ability to stop armed and unarmed invasions as granted by the US Constitution.

To take away the self-governance of Americans is to kill the very thing that has made us such a great and successful nation.

In a time of crisis like this, we must stand firm on the principles that have made America an attractive and great nation. We must stand firm on the rule of law. The law must be applied equally to big corporations and illegal aliens alike lest we all become slaves subject to the plans of masters instead of a free and empowered citizenry.

Illegal aliens and corporations must endure penalties for their illegal, deadly, and destructive actions that exceed the benefits they gain from their illegal activities.

The hour is late and it is time for Americans to stand up and say with one voice...

No Amnesty! No Guest Worker! Secure our borders and enforce the existing laws! Restore the American Republic!

The illegals must go.

Illegals go home!