Sunday, December 03, 2006

Jail Inmates To Clean Up Desert Mess

Illegal Alien Trash Destroying Desert

In Arizona, Maricopa County's desert areas are littered with the debris & rubbish from illegal aliens. There are 15 large illegal campsites in the county that are used as waiting points or drop-off areas for illegals coming into the USA. They leave behind all manner of garbage. It has accumulated into literally tons of garbage & it is destroying the once pristine desert.

The county has come up with an innovative way of cleaning it all up. They are using county inmates to remove the garbage. The cost to taxpayers is nothing & the garbage bags & dump trucks used have been donated. 200 inmates will be used in the program. They will be given an extra bologna sandwich for their effort, said Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio, known as the toughest Sheriff in the country.

The scope of the debris & the physical damage & health risk that follows is documented in photos at this site
Desert Invasion. It is puzzling why environmental groups are so quiet about the damage done to the desert by the illegal aliens. Illegal aliens must somehow fit into their agenda. If a house was to go up in the desert they'd be all over the builder.


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