Sunday, August 27, 2006

Mexico Demands U.S. Seal Borders to Stop Flood of Americans to Mexico

The Mexican government sent an official letter of protest to the U.S. demanding that it seal its borders, using the U.S. Army if necessary, to prevent Americans from crossing into Mexico illegally. In the formal protest, the Mexican government cited its booming economy, attractive wages & it's repainted corrugated steel shanties as inducements for Americans to come to Mexico.

The letter further stated that, "Americans by the millions are flooding our cities, our workforce, our McDonald's & causing extremely long lines for our famous McChurabacamdemopoloconcarn burger. Guadelupe has become Gringo-ized. What next, a Yanqui mayor of Mexico City?! Our one doctor can not now retire since he is too busy treating thousands of undocumented Americans who cannot tolerate a little dirty drinking water. We did not concern ourselves with health care until they came & asked about HMO's. We still don't know what the hell that means, but it must be a nightclub for you gay Gringos. They demand driver licenses even though they are here illegally. Can you believe it? Drivers licenses - yet not one knows how to drive a stick-shift or how to whip a donkey.

"Additionally, we are now forced to add SSL (Spanish as a Second Language) to our school programs so you tongued-tied Americans can pronounce our R's the correct way, as in "burrrrrro" or "perrrrro." We have had enough of your stinking StarrrrBucks. We have had enough of you Americans. No mas! Go back to your own country. In fact, since we are the real owners of your Southwest, we demand you put a border wall along your stinking muddy Mississippi River & you Americans can stay on the eastside where you belong. Muchas gracias from your amigos down south."

The Mexican government has stated that if its demands are not met then they will vote for U.S. statehood just to screw up the U.S. flag with a 51st star.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Orale my amigos the american burros!! But yes I think you amigo making immigrant jokes about us the colegas from la Cuidad de Mexico. But me Amigo not tolerate this!! I'm part of the Raza!! and U .. ur just a pincho guey who has nothing better to do!

10/14/2006 8:58 PM  

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