Saturday, September 23, 2006

Another Town Swallowed

In a previous post we highlighted Maywood, California as a town that changed radically due to sudden & massive immigration - both legal & illegal. Today we turn to Williams, California, northwest of Sacramento.

With a population just over 5,000, it is estimated that as many as 20% are illegals. Demographer Hans Johnson describes it as "the most ethnically transformed city in California" & further stated that Williams "serves as an almost natural experiment about what these changes mean for all of us." In just two decades the population has shifted from three-quarters white to nearly three-quarters Latino. Almost half of the Latino immigrants in Williams had arrived in the last decade, according to the 2000 census, and only 6% were naturalized.

The changes are apparent in many ways - most businesses now cater to Latinos & Latino tastes, the Board of Education shortened the summer break by a week so it could extend to 3 weeks Christmas break - to give Mexican families more time to go home for the holidays. In a town hall scene two police officers, the records clerk and the city's code enforcement officer were all chiming in with a resident - in Spanish.

What is more telling & disturbing is the story of Linda Granzella who describes the Williams High School homecoming game of 1993. The high school band began playing the national anthem & "Eighty percent of the stadium wouldn't stand. They were Hispanic children, and they didn't stand for the national anthem. I asked them why. They said, 'This is not our country.' "

See the full article at this
Los Angeles Times site.

Maywood & Williams are just two examples of the sudden shift in demographics due to unfettered immigration. It is compounded by the huge illegal population that is drawn to these towns. But it is not just California where the changes are sudden & swift. It is happening in Georgia, North Carolina, Iowa of all places & other states across the map.

There is no assimilation into the American mainstream. Instead, enclaves of Hispanic & Latino communities are being established, a hostile takeover if you will, of American towns & cities. Soon we will become a hodgepodge of ethnic enclaves like Bosnia or like the European countries are quickly becoming due to their unchecked immigration policies.

We are seeing the results now - the national anthem incident above is but one in countless incidents across the country - "This is not our country." is their rallying cry. We've seen it & heard it too often nowadays - this is not their country. No loyalty to this country that educates their children, gives free health care to them as well as other social benefits, that gives them wages far more than the $5 a day they get in their country. Use & abuse the USA for what they can get out of it.

If you think this is overblown or hysteria, check again - find out for yourself, if you're not now already living it. This Congress & the President are doing nothing to stop it. Instead, they compound the situation with amnesty for millions of illegals (undocumented Democrats, really) that will bring in further millions & guest worker programs that will put even more Americans out of work.

Contact you Congressman & demand an end to this madness.


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