Saturday, November 26, 2005

Designer/Survival Shoes For The Well Dressed Illegal

It's tough being an illegal crossing the border, what with snakes, heat, & La Migra. But it's a bit easier now, thanks to specially designed illegal alien sneakers. They come with compass & flashlight attached. We kid you not. Heres the photo & article.

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Rescind Birthright Citizenship Now

Birthright citizenship is the concept whereby anyone born in the USA is automatically a citizen. It matters not whether one was born into a family who had been here for hundreds of years or one who was born 5 minutes after the mother crossed illegally into the country. They are both automatically US citizens.

The birthright concept derives from the 14th Amendment to the Constitution. Section 1 reads in part, "All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside." This was written into the Constitution after the Civil War only as a means to give black slaves citizenship which they had not had before.

Since then, the concept has been expanded to include that mother-to-be crossing the border.

It is time to end it.

Birthright citizenship has been abused to the extreme. Illegals coming into the country are well aware of birthright citizenship. One sure way to get a permanent foothold into the US is to bear a child in the US. These illegals, who otherwise have no allegiance to the US, have had no time or inclination to contribute to the country, give birth to what are known as "anchor babies". These babies, in effect, anchor the family to the US for good. About 500,000 anchor babies are born each year to illegals in the US. It adds up.

An anchor baby, as a US citizen now, is entitled to all health care & food stamps & other social service funding that any other "American" is entitled to. And that extends to the babies illegal parents, naturally. There is none to zero chance that the illegal parents will be deported since their child is a US citizen. And don't you know the illegals know it. The birthrate for illegals in the US is astounding. When the child reaches age 21 it can, as a US citizen, sponsor the parents & siblings for permanent, legal residency which leads to citizenship for them. These relatives, in turn, can now sponsor aunty or uncle or cousin or granny, who in turn sponsor their own relatives. This is called "chain immigration" & it is a backdoor way to bring in their whole country, primarily Mexico, to the US.

If you read the 14th Amendment it states that a person born in the country, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, is a citizen. The illegal parents are not subject to the jurisdiction of the US or its states. They are foreign nationals under allegiance to & subject to the laws of their own country. The 14th does not apply to them.

It should be noted that it is not just illegals who latch onto this birthright scheme. Tourists seem to vacation in the US in the 9th month of their pregnancy. They are not fools. They know how to play the game & get the gift of citizenship. What is astounding is that, through treaties, diplomats, etc of foreign countries do not have the privilege of birthright citizenship. If a French diplomat's wife gives birth in Kansas - that child holds no claim to automatic citizenship. Go figure.

Rescinding birthright citizenship will help stem the attraction for illegals to come to the US purely for this bonus. Taxpayer dollars & services will not then go to those who do not deserve them. Other countries have rescinded birthright citizen. The US should follow.

There are 2 bills in Congress addressing this birthright issue. One calls for a Constitutional Amendment - this will never happen. The other would amend the Immigration & Nationality Act to deny birthright citizenship to those who parents are not US citizens. This makes sense & is the easier to do. But Congress in its glorious gutless & politically correct manner will probably not pass the bill. They couldn't stand up to the screams of racism & threats that will surely follow by the immigration crowd. God help America.

Monday, November 07, 2005

Paris Burning - A Warning For America

As of this post, it is the 12th night of riots in France. The trouble has now spread to over 300 towns. Over 3,000 cars have been burned, along with a school, parking garage & other buildings. Amazingly, only one person has died so far.

The trouble started after 2 boys were accidentally electrocuted when they hid in a transformer, avoiding police. The surrounding area is largely Muslim - predominantly North African. The rioters are unorganized so far, but we expect some opportunists to change that. The rioters are predominantly young Muslim males. The French government has been an abysmal failure in curtailing the riots thus far. Additionally, there is underreported news that there has been rioting by Muslims in Denmark, too.

There are 5 million Muslims living in France. Unemployment is significant in their population. The French welfare system has entitlements for those who are unemployed. The Muslim population lives mostly in large, poor enclaves in French cities & towns. Some attribute the rioting with the unemployment situation amongst Muslims. To a point, maybe so. But why now & not sooner. Afterall, conditions have been the same for years now.

We think there is a more direct reason for the rioting. If true, it does not bode well for America: lack of assimilation, coupled with a Muslim population which rejects all things not Islamic. We think Muslims have a disdain for their host country, France, because it exhibited weakness & corruption before & after the Iraq War.

In America there is an on-going, quick shifting of demographics due to the large number of legal & illegal immigrants coming into the country. They are primarily Hispanic/Latino, but there are also large numbers of Chinese, Vietnamese, Somalians & others. We are talking over 2 million a year coming into the country to live. That is a large challenge to any society. Rather than a slowed down immigration policy that gives the immigrants, & the communities they settle in, time for assimilation, we have instead communities being overrun by the sudden influx. We have immigrants settling into one area of a city or state. Enclaves of culture-specific immigrants are thus created. They become separate & apart from the rest of the city or town. There is no need to assimilate into the culture of the host country - America - because they are a de facto nation within a nation. The language, the culture, the businesses, the schools are all within their culture. There is no inducement to expand themselves into the greater American culture. And we detect a distain for most things American amongst some of the immigrants.

What has resulted in America is a mutli-cultural mindset that not only celebrates diversity, but caters to the unassimilated. Drivers license tests are in 10 languages, report cards are sent out in 6 languages, press 1 for English...2 for Spanish...3 for Mandarin.. & on & on. Rather than celebrating diversity, we are purposely celebrating isolation of cultures.

America is great when its people share a common thread. As it stands now, we are becoming so many spools of thread that there may indeed come a time when the French riots will have been seen as a warning to the United States - a warning that not only should our states be united, but so should our people. Without serious reduction in legal immigration & without serious efforts to stem the invasion of illegals, without giving immigrants the time & chance to assimilate into the country, we will have not learned the lessons of the French riots.