Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Illegal Alien Trash

The post title is not pejorative - it is environmental. The millions of illegals from Mexico who cross the border leave mounds of trash on their trek to Los Estados Unidos. Their trash is dumped on the pristine desert as well as the ranches & property of Americans who happen to be in their line of travel. The trash includes everything humans can dump: clothing, bottles, cans, used Kotex, needles, cars, human feces - you name it, it's there.

A Congressional report estimated that clean-up of one small area along the Arizona border would cost $2 million. Multiply this by the whole length of the southern border. Not only do we allow illegals free reign in this country, but now we are picking up their garbage at tax payer expense.

As of yet we do not know of any position, much less outrage, from the major environmental groups about this issue. They are silent. If anyone does, please advise.

Meanwhile, here is a link to a site that does have a position & cleans up the trash to boot. Check out the slide shows of the appalling dump heap that has become our southern border:
America The Beautiful

Thank the Congress & the current Administration for making our borderlands look like a side alley in Mexico City.

Saturday, June 25, 2005

Sanctuary Cities: A Welcome to Illegals & an Invitation to Terrorists

Sanctuary cities are cities that declare themselves as safe harbors for illegal immigrants. They have policies, official or unofficial, that forbid city employees from aiding, cooperating with or contacting Federal immigration officials. It is not just the police who are barred, though the focus is on the police here; it is every city agency - housing, welfare, licensing, etc.

These sanctuary policies come as a result of pressure from pro-immigration groups, political expediency or through the misguided, sentimental notions of elected city officials that illegal immigrants have as much right to be here as anyone.

Federal statutes require states, cities & towns to stand clear of such prohibitions on their employees: "Not withstanding any other provision of Federal, State or local law, a Federal, State, or local government entity or official may not prohibit or in any way restrict any government entity or official from sending to or receiving from the Immigration and Naturalization Service information regarding the citizenship or immigration status, lawful or unlawful, of any individual." This, however, has not dissuaded cities. Juxtaposed to this, ironically, is the Supreme Court decision in the 80's, which still stands, prohibiting school employees from notifying immigration officials of illegals in their schools or of their parents.

New York City's mayor came out with a decree to the effect that it was a sanctuary city. It went to court & NYC lost. However, dozens of other cities still maintain sanctuary status officially or unofficially as we said earlier. Some of these cities include: NYC, Baltimore, Detroit, Denver, Houston, Los Angeles, Washington, D.C.,Portland, Maine, Seattle, San Diego & San Francisco.

Los Angles police can not question anyone about their immigration status, even if they are arrested, unless the arrest results in criminal charges. Los Angeles has a severe gang problem. It's estimated that at least 60% of Latino gang members are illegals. Yet the police can not do anything even though they may see a formerly convicted & deported gang member back walking down the street or know for a certainty that a gang member is illegal. They are prohibited from contacting immigration authorities. 90% of outstanding warrants for homicide there are for illegals. There would have been fewer murders, rapes, thefts & victims if this insane sanctuary policy was ended.

The effect of sanctuary policies is the encouragement of illegals to go straight to those cities. The illegals know they are safer from La Migra & the police there. The population increases, the crime rate goes up & social services (i.e. taxpayer dollars) in those cities are in greater demand.

Sanctuary cities are at odds with Homeland security & a welcome mat to terrorists. Besides the sanctuary a terrorist who illegally comes into the country will find in these cities, some states issue driver's licenses to illegals & cities accept this or accept the infamous Matricula card for identification (A Mexican government-issued i.d. for the express purpose of illegals & easy to get by anyone including terrorists).

A Bill was put forth in Congress to deny Federal funds to cities with sanctuary policies, but was voted down. The Federal government is also not enforcing its own anti-sanctuary laws against these cities.

Ironically, if a terrorist act should be committed in this country it will more than likely happen in a sanctuary city, where the illegals & terrorists have peace of mind. We hate to say that we as a country are just asking for it but, with the likes of sanctuary cities, we are just asking for it.

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

$12,000,000,000: as in Billions - for Illegal's Schooling

That is the estimate the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR) has done in a study on the cost to American taxpayers to educate illegal alien children in this country. When "anchor babies" (children born in the USA to illegal parents) are included, the cost jumps significantly to $28,600,000,000 - as in Billions. Some programs, such as the free-lunch programs, are not even included in these costs.

Read the complete report, "Breaking the Piggy Bank." As the report notes, states are struggling to come up with education money. The money spent on illegals could better go to other needed resources. Thank the Federal government for this mess. But hey, it's not their money - it's yours. And you wonder why your property taxes are going up?

Here is a state-by-state breakdown in $Millions:

Sunday, June 19, 2005

Illegal Immigration: Up Close & Personal

The Garner family lives right on the Arizona border with Mexico. The intrusive, destructive & threatening nature of packs of illegals crossing the Garner's farm property on their way to Los Estados Unidos is a daily challenge to the Garners. It is also a prime example of how Congress & the Administration have utterly failed its citizens, particularly the Garners. Read their compelling story here.

Saturday, June 18, 2005

The Impact of Immigration

The Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR) has a terrific breakdown on just how much legal & illegal immigration has impacted each state through tax dollars, population increase, health care, schools, environment, even traffic. Go to their site & read how your state has been affected:
The Impact of Immigration

Sunday, June 12, 2005

OTMs: A 9/11 Waiting To Happen: U.S. Government Releases Thousands Of Potential Terrorists Into The Country At Your Peril

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS)is thorough about making sure your 83 year old granny is not a terrorist as she boards a plane. She might have to take her shoes off or be strip-searched. No nailclippers or nail files, buster. Can't be too careful when it comes to America's safety.

But when it comes to the Mexican border & the real possibility of terrorists entering the country, DHS, the Congress & the President have little interest in protecting America. They have betrayed the trust of American citizens who look to them for protection. Besides failing to slow down, much less curb, the invasion of millions of Mexican illegals to the US, they have failed miserably in stopping the influx of what is termed OTMs - Other Than Mexicans.

OTMs cross the Mexican-American border illegally & come from everywhere in the world. Last year 98,000 OTMs were apprehended crossing the border. They included Iranians, Syrians & others from terrorist-sponsored countries. This in itself is alarming for Americans concerned about another 9/11 or worse.

What is more alarming is that your very own government, the Congress & the President, releases them to roam the United States at will. Yes - releases them! The process works this way: An OTM is apprehended, the detention facilities are full so the OTM is given a court summons, a "notice to appear" paper, which gives a court date for the OTM to appear for an immigration hearing (Central & South Americans laughingly call these summons their permiso, their permission slips). Meanwhile, they are allowed to stay in the United States. Thereupon the OTM is released & melts into the population. It is not surprising that 98% of them do not show up for the court date. 98% of 98,000 a year. That's a lot of potential terrorists. And remember, we are not counting the hundreds of thousands of Mexicans that are similarly released. Thanks to the US government, they are all somewhere unknown & unable to be found in the country.

This policy has reached the point where Border Patrol drives van loads of them to bus stations where they take a bus to Boston, New York or God knows where. Should the OTMs be stopped along the way, they have their court notices as safe passage.

The policy has become so ludicrous that word has spread that the best thing for an illegal border crosser to do is to surrender to Border Patrol once in the USA. We kid you not.

"We used to chase them; now they're chasing us," Border Patrol Agent Gus Balderas said as he frisked Brazilians and collected their passports late last month. Another agent expressed astonishment at the cheekiness of some of the migrants. "They come up to you and say, 'I want my permiso,' " Agent Larry Alvarez said. "They want us to hurry up and get them out of here."

"I've been saying for a long time that in your next Sept. 11 hit, you're gonna find out how many of them came across this border right here," says Gary McBride, a rancher who lives 35 miles north of Douglas, Az (bordertown). "I feel like I'm living in a big ol' train station, and here comes one train, and here comes another, and here comes another, and they just never stop, people from every country you could name. Nothing has changed since Sept. 11. If anything, it's worse. It's a goddamn three-ring circus down here."

Residents along the border report finding Muslim prayer rugs, Spanish-Arab dictionaries & even an Arab diary.

Some concerned citizens a while ago smuggled in from Mexico a fake nuclear weapon - 3 times - without being caught. Their point should be well-taken by the Federal Government.

However, as we have said, the Congress & the Administration, abetted by the courts, refuse to protect Americans. The Department of Homeland Security is a joke. The Federal Government refuses to do what is necessary to protect our southern border. They increase by a paltry number the amount of Border Patrol officers & brag about it. They refuse to build sufficient detention facilities so that 98,000 OTMs a year are not released into the country. They refuse to pressure Mexico to do its part in stopping the influx of invaders. They refuse to fence off large areas of the border. They are too busy being politically correct, too busy groveling for the Hispanic vote. And when the next 9/11 happens via the southern border, they will be too busy blaming each other & passing the buck.

This is your great Congress, this is your great administration. This is why you have citizen groups like the Minuteman Project on the forefront of trying to protect our borders. The Federal Government is failing the American public. And every Congressman & Senator, every President & Adminstration official who fails to aggressively do something to correct this insane policy will have the blood of the next 9/11 victims on their hands.

Two related & interesting stories: here & here

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

First It Was Moose, Now Illegals: Real Border Signs. Unbelievable.

Read the story here