Senate Republicans Sell Out American Citizens
A group of Senate Republicans reached agreement Wednesday night on a compromise proposal that they hope can garner bipartisan support and bring passage of a bill on the future of the nation's 11- 20 million illegal immigrants. The draft compromise still needs support from the Democrats, but if they get it then the bill will go to the floor of the Senate for a vote.
The gist of the bill:
...Those who have lived in the country at least five years would be put on a path toward guaranteed citizenship, provided that they remained employed, paid fines and back taxes, and learned English, a senior Republican aide said. The aide said this group accounted for about 7 million of the roughly 11 million illegal immigrants believed to be living here.
...Those who have lived here for two to five years, said to number about three million, would have to leave the country briefly before reporting to an American port of entry, where they would be classified as temporary workers. They would be allowed to apply for citizenship but would have no guarantee of obtaining it. Those who did not would have to leave after participating in the temporary worker program for six years.
...The remaining one million or so, those who have lived in the country less than two years, would be required to leave. They could apply for temporary worker status but would not be guaranteed it.
This is a pure sell-out of the vast majority of Americans who are looking for real immigration reform. They show absolute contempt for the citizens they are supposed to represent. The bill is a charade, a smoke cover which hides the real intent of the bill - amnesty for every single illegal in the country. Not only amnesty, but citizenship.
There are too many things wrong with this bill - it would be laughable if the issue was not so serious. For starters, the Senate has no clue how many illegals are here. They are saying 11 million, but estimates elsewhere reach over 20 million. The administration of such a program would be imponderable indeed. The budget would be in the billions, the staffing in the tens of thousands. The blatant document fraud committed by illegals who can't prove they were in the country for x number of years would be enormous. Where is the enforcement coming from to make sure such fraud doesn't happen? Where is the enforcement to make those in the country less than 2 years leave? What is enough proof that they were in the country for x years? A phony phone bill?
The bill would require illegals to pay a fine & back taxes for those who worked off the books or cheated on any taxes they did pay. How is the government going to discover how much they owed on taxes if their pay was off the books? What fine are they given? And how are these mostly poor illegals going to pay such fines & back taxes?
The bill would also require proficiency in English. This is the most laughable provision. 11-20 million illegals suddenly enrolling in crash English courses. Who pays for it, the illegals, or does the government use more tax dollars to teach them? And how are they tested & by who? What is proficient?
Those illegals in the country 2-5 years must leave the USA "briefly" - a euphemism for stepping back into Mexico for 5 minutes, then back into the USA, where they would be given a six year guest worker worker visa - although there will be no way to check if they actually have a job lined up. At the end of 6 years if they do not achieve citizenship, they must leave the USA. But now we are back to the beginning -they won't leave, so they become - guess what? - illegals again!
Those in the country less than 2 years would be required to leave. Righto. They will gladly go back to the cesspool of Mexico. The argument is that we can't deport all 11 million illegals - it would be split families & be unenforceable. But now we are back to that - tracking down & deporting the 1-3 million illegals that are in this 3rd category. So now it's okay.
In 1986 amnesty was given to 3 million illegals. It was a fiasco by all accounts. It only encouraged millions more to enter illegaling, hoping for their own amnesty. What do you think will happen now - millions at the Mexican border just itching to get over the border for their own amnesty down the road.
Let's not forget that with 11-20 million new citizens comes their right to government social services - welfare, food stamps, etc, etc. The mostly poor illegals will be a further drain on these services & will by far outstrip any taxes these new citizens contribute.
Incredulously, the bill does not address real border security! The Senate is against any walls along the border. Instead, they are talking about a "virtual" wall -meaning sensors, cameras, etc. This is ridiculous. A wall put up in San Diego caused a significant drop in border crossings there. Rather than patrolling a wall, Border Patrol will be put into the more dangerous face-to-face confrontations with illegals, drug runners, gangs & criminals. There is no increase in border manpower. We will have again in a few years another 11 million illegals to deal with. One thing we are certain about - these Senators are not virtual idiots. They are the real thing.
One other point - with millions of illegals receiving citizenship, this opens the door for them to apply under the family reunification act to bring other family members into the country, who then can apply to bring their family members in, who then can apply to bring...well, you get the idea. There is no end. It is known as "chain migration".
These so-called Senators are in the pockets of business with its cheap labor & the pro-illegal immigration lobby. The only lobby they are not listening too are the American citizens. Sell-out is being polite with these Senators. This being a family-oriented site, we'll refrain from the neat words to describe them. Contact your Congressman & Senator & let them know you have a voice too.
UPDATE 7 Apr: The Hagel/Martinez amnesty amendment was defeated this morning in the Senate. The vote to close debate on the amendment failed 36-62. This is a great victory for America & Americans. But we are sure our elected representatives will try again to kowtow to illegal aliens.
The gist of the bill:
...Those who have lived in the country at least five years would be put on a path toward guaranteed citizenship, provided that they remained employed, paid fines and back taxes, and learned English, a senior Republican aide said. The aide said this group accounted for about 7 million of the roughly 11 million illegal immigrants believed to be living here.
...Those who have lived here for two to five years, said to number about three million, would have to leave the country briefly before reporting to an American port of entry, where they would be classified as temporary workers. They would be allowed to apply for citizenship but would have no guarantee of obtaining it. Those who did not would have to leave after participating in the temporary worker program for six years.
...The remaining one million or so, those who have lived in the country less than two years, would be required to leave. They could apply for temporary worker status but would not be guaranteed it.
This is a pure sell-out of the vast majority of Americans who are looking for real immigration reform. They show absolute contempt for the citizens they are supposed to represent. The bill is a charade, a smoke cover which hides the real intent of the bill - amnesty for every single illegal in the country. Not only amnesty, but citizenship.
There are too many things wrong with this bill - it would be laughable if the issue was not so serious. For starters, the Senate has no clue how many illegals are here. They are saying 11 million, but estimates elsewhere reach over 20 million. The administration of such a program would be imponderable indeed. The budget would be in the billions, the staffing in the tens of thousands. The blatant document fraud committed by illegals who can't prove they were in the country for x number of years would be enormous. Where is the enforcement coming from to make sure such fraud doesn't happen? Where is the enforcement to make those in the country less than 2 years leave? What is enough proof that they were in the country for x years? A phony phone bill?
The bill would require illegals to pay a fine & back taxes for those who worked off the books or cheated on any taxes they did pay. How is the government going to discover how much they owed on taxes if their pay was off the books? What fine are they given? And how are these mostly poor illegals going to pay such fines & back taxes?
The bill would also require proficiency in English. This is the most laughable provision. 11-20 million illegals suddenly enrolling in crash English courses. Who pays for it, the illegals, or does the government use more tax dollars to teach them? And how are they tested & by who? What is proficient?
Those illegals in the country 2-5 years must leave the USA "briefly" - a euphemism for stepping back into Mexico for 5 minutes, then back into the USA, where they would be given a six year guest worker worker visa - although there will be no way to check if they actually have a job lined up. At the end of 6 years if they do not achieve citizenship, they must leave the USA. But now we are back to the beginning -they won't leave, so they become - guess what? - illegals again!
Those in the country less than 2 years would be required to leave. Righto. They will gladly go back to the cesspool of Mexico. The argument is that we can't deport all 11 million illegals - it would be split families & be unenforceable. But now we are back to that - tracking down & deporting the 1-3 million illegals that are in this 3rd category. So now it's okay.
In 1986 amnesty was given to 3 million illegals. It was a fiasco by all accounts. It only encouraged millions more to enter illegaling, hoping for their own amnesty. What do you think will happen now - millions at the Mexican border just itching to get over the border for their own amnesty down the road.
Let's not forget that with 11-20 million new citizens comes their right to government social services - welfare, food stamps, etc, etc. The mostly poor illegals will be a further drain on these services & will by far outstrip any taxes these new citizens contribute.
Incredulously, the bill does not address real border security! The Senate is against any walls along the border. Instead, they are talking about a "virtual" wall -meaning sensors, cameras, etc. This is ridiculous. A wall put up in San Diego caused a significant drop in border crossings there. Rather than patrolling a wall, Border Patrol will be put into the more dangerous face-to-face confrontations with illegals, drug runners, gangs & criminals. There is no increase in border manpower. We will have again in a few years another 11 million illegals to deal with. One thing we are certain about - these Senators are not virtual idiots. They are the real thing.
One other point - with millions of illegals receiving citizenship, this opens the door for them to apply under the family reunification act to bring other family members into the country, who then can apply to bring their family members in, who then can apply to bring...well, you get the idea. There is no end. It is known as "chain migration".
These so-called Senators are in the pockets of business with its cheap labor & the pro-illegal immigration lobby. The only lobby they are not listening too are the American citizens. Sell-out is being polite with these Senators. This being a family-oriented site, we'll refrain from the neat words to describe them. Contact your Congressman & Senator & let them know you have a voice too.
UPDATE 7 Apr: The Hagel/Martinez amnesty amendment was defeated this morning in the Senate. The vote to close debate on the amendment failed 36-62. This is a great victory for America & Americans. But we are sure our elected representatives will try again to kowtow to illegal aliens.
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