Friday, April 06, 2007

Illegal Carnage - DUI Deaths Of Americans

Film Director Killed By DUI Illegal

"LOS ANGELES (Associated Press) -- Film director Robert Clark, best known for the holiday classic "A Christmas Story," was killed with his son Wednesday in a head-on crash with a vehicle steered into the wrong lane by a drunken driver, police and the filmmaker's assistant said. The driver, Hector Velazquez-Nava, 24, of Los Angeles, remained hospitalized and will be booked for investigation of gross vehicular manslaughter."

It so happens that Velazquez-Nava was unlicensed, uninsured & an illegal alien.

Two teenagers, Alison Kunhardt, 17, and Tessa Tranchant, 16, inseparable as friends, were killed recently in Virginia Beach, Virginia, when the car they were in, stopped at a light, was rear-ended by Alfredo Ramos. Ramos was charged with DUI. He also had false drivers license which he had paid $200 for. Ramos is also an illegal alien.

Worse still, Ramos had priors for DUI. His last DUI, 2 months ago, he was given a 90 day suspended sentence, fined $250, had his drivers' license suspended, and he ordered to participate in ASAP, an alcohol awareness program. Charges were dropped for no insurance or license.

Mother & her pregnant daughter killed in DUI

Maria Ortiz, 49, and her 18-year-old daughter, Vanessa, who was five months pregnant were killed in Texas recently by a DUI driver who rear-ended them. He fled the scene was was later captured. The driver, Ignacio Gomez-Gutierrez, was an illegal alien.

Worse still, he had 3 prior convictions for DUI. Gomez-Gutierrez spent 26 days in the county jail for the first drunken driving conviction, three days for the second incident and six months for the third.

Iraq Veteran on Leave killed by DUI

Marine Cpl. Brian Mathews, 21, of Columbia and his date, Jennifer Bower, 24, of Montgomery Village were killed Thanksgiving night, shortly after 10:00 p.m. when Bower's Toyota Corolla was hit from behind by Eduardo Raul Morales-Soriano, 25. He is an illegal alien.

It wasn't Morales-Soriano's first auto accident and it wasn't the first time police had dealt with the landscaper when alcohol was apparently involved. In February, Columbia police responded to a non-injury accident in a parking lot involving Morales-Soriano. According to police reports, he was "unable to maintain his balance" during a field sobriety test. He was given four citations and allowed to leave the scene of the accident with a relative after he refused to take a Breathalyzer test. Although Maryland law requires an automatic 120-day forfeiture of a drivers license for refusing the test, Morales-Soriano's license was not suspended after the accident.

Student on Spring Break killed by DUI

Andrew Stear, 21, was killed in Florida while on Spring Break by a stolen car whose DUI driver then attempted to flea the scene. The driver was apprehended. The driver, Hugo Rodriguez Colindrez, 28, is an illegal alien.


The list goes on & on. Thousands of Americans are killed or victimized each year by illegal aliens. The illegal aliens in the above cases had 2,3,4 times the legal alcohol limit. And those with priors were not deported. Instead, they were allowed back on the roads to kill. In fact, the police didn't even report them to immigration authorities.

The crimes go to the freakin drunk bastards who think being drunk is macho in their culture & go on with their killing by their macho driving skills while drunk. They should be deported at the least. Better - a bat to the head every day by the families of the victims. These alien swine had no business being in this country.

But the deaths of innocent Americans is on the hands of every politician, every sanctuary city that aids & abets the illegal invasion, or who refuses to take the legislative action to stop the flood of drunken killers from south of the border.

But there is hope. U.S. Congressman Phil Gingrey last week helped introduce a measure that would seek the deportation of illegal immigrants who are convicted of driving while intoxicated. The bill would make DUIs grounds for mandatory detention and expedited deportation of illegal aliens. Let's see if the swine in Congress have the guts to do what's right & pass it.


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1/27/2013 1:21 AM  

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