Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Another Drunk Illegal, Another Dead American

It just doesn't end. More drunk driving illegals & more dead Americans.

CHARLOTTE, N.C.: Luciano Melendres, 30, is charged with felony hit-and-run, driving while impaired, driving with a revoked license, driving without liability insurance and driving with fictitious tags.

Officers say Melendres, a native of Mexico, hit and killed 32-year-old Danny Sims while he was crossing Albemarle Road near Farm Pond Lane around 10:30 p.m. Sunday. They say Melendres fled the scene in a green Ford Expedition, but a witness called 911 as she followed the sport utility vehicle and directed officers to a home on Jason's Forest Drive, just two miles from the crash scene. Police arrested Melendres a short time later.

Melendres was just convicted last week on a DWI charge from a March 16, 2006, incident. He was sentenced to probation, alcohol assessment and treatment and community service and was ordered to pay court costs and have a breathalyzer device installed on his vehicle. Police said they didn't find the device during an initial look inside.

Probation? Community service? Why wasn't this bottom-feeder deported on the first DWI offense? Simple - because our waste-product Congress & Executive Branch do nothing about it. They care little if Americans are killed by foreign invaders, or so it would seem, otherwise they would have these killers & potential killers deported, if not jailed, then deported.

It is a disgrace that our own government does nothing while the slaughter of Americans continues unabated. Oh, we forgot - these are the hard-working, family values folks that do the work Americans won't do, per George Bush. Americans are dying & victimized by the thousands each year by DWI, murder, rape, sexual assault, pedophilia, theft, you name it. They are victims only because the Federal goverment won't lift a finger to stop it.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your points are right on. I know there are MANY tens of thousands of Americans who agree our govt is a bunch of wimps. Im ashamed of what this country has gone to. I live less than a block away from where Officer Tony Zeppetella was murdered by a three strikes illegal scum bag gang banger. The coward ran off after shooting Tony in the face as he lay there weaponless. I just heard of Dani Countryman's death today from a friend and have been reading about it. Living in SoCal, Im just so tired of it all. Today I had to call my ISP's customer service and of course, had to press 1 to get English. When tech support answered, I asked if we were both still in an English speaking country...yes? Then why must I take another step to get an English speaking rep?? I never did get a straight answer, but told her I was tired of it. Sure won't do much good, but may have given her some food for thought.
Anyway, thanks for the posts!

8/25/2007 9:54 PM  

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