Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Towns Stepping In Where Federal Government Fails

Little by little, local municipalities are starting to fill the vacuum left by the failure of the Federal government to do much of anything about illegal aliens.

***In Hazelton, PA, Mayor Lou Barletta has proposed an ordinance that would prohibit and punish the hiring of illegal immigrants and renting property to them. “I don’t want them here in Hazleton,” Barletta said. “They’re not wanted. … The jobs most work are selling drugs. Many I am dealing with are not law-abiding citizens... a group of people are here illegally, not paying taxes, using city resources, and I have just had enough of it,” the Republican mayor added.”

Hazelton has seen its population explode from 23,000 to 31,000 residents in six years because of an influx of Hispanics. The Hispanic population has increased from 3% to 25% in those six years.

The proposed ordinance also would make English the city’s official language. That means all city communication, including signs and forms, could only be in English – unless it violates an explicit federal mandate.

“Somebody needs to take a stand on this,” Barletta said, noting estimates that put about 12 million illegal immigrants in the United States. “I want to send the message: Don’t come to Hazleton.” With the rising crime rate, additional police have been hired. “We’re hiring three more in the next few weeks, and that’s still not nearly enough,” the mayor said. “It’s not fair to be using resources on people who don’t belong here.”

Under the proposed ordinance, the city would reject a business permit, the renewal of a business permit and city contracts or grants for a period of not less than five years from a business’s last offense – hiring or attempting to hire an illegal alien, renting or leasing to illegal aliens, or funding or aiding in the establishment of a day laborer center that does not verify legal work status.
“Any act that aids and abets illegal aliens within the United States, not just within the City limits, will constitute a violation,” the proposed ordinance says.
Any property owner or renter/tenant/lessee in control of property who allows an illegal alien to use, rent or lease their property would face a fine of not less than $1,000, irrespective of intent, knowledge or negligence.***

***In Butler County, Ohio, Sheriff Richard Jones is doing his part in dealing with illegals aliens. Jones says it costs his county thousands of dollars a month to jail lawbreakers who also happen to be illegal immigrants. He has billed the federal government for the incarceration costs -- $150,000 since last October -- though he doesn't expect to see any reimbursement checks.

Sign outside the county jail

The sheriff has begun targeting businesses. On six billboards across the county, Jones has plastered his own image, arms crossed over chest, reminding employers that it's illegal to hire undocumented workers. He says the signs are generating tips from the public. On his blog, Jones warns companies, "You know who you are, and we're coming." "If you engage in an underground economy and you think that we don't know about it, we'll be visiting you," Jones says.***

What can we say. Give these guys a medal, or better yet, a seat in Congress. They seem to be doing something that Congress refuses to do. We hope more towns follow the lead of these two men.


Blogger Internet Esquire said...

While this may not apply to you, the vast majority of people who complain about illegal immigration are xenophobes who secretly harbor anti-immigrant and anti-minority sentiments. Xenophobes tend to conflate and demonize these three groups, and it seems pretty naive for someone to argue that the Hazelton ordinance will not be used to persecute United States citizens and legal residents who happen to be Latino.

7/16/2006 11:10 PM  
Blogger Francis Lynn said...

Wrongo - the vast majority of people who complain about illegal immigration are not xenophobes. That is a buzz word used by pro illegals to demonize anti-illegal folks. The vast majority are tired of tax dollars going to illegals, when it should be spent on citizens. Try focusing on where the problem is - illegal entry into out country & not this xenophobe b.s.

7/16/2006 11:17 PM  

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